Plant Care
Step 1: Take Your Plant Out Of The Box
Once your online plant delivery has arrived, unbox your echeveria succulent and discard the packaging. Take a peek to see if any dirt loosened in shipment. If you do find some loose soil, you can gently wiggle the plant side to side to level out any soil that’s moved on its journey to you.
Step 2: Don’t Over Water
This succulent prefers to stay on the drier side, so while you will eventually water your echeveria, only water it as needed. Be sure to let the soil dry out completely in between waterings. Not sure how to test this? Stick your finger into the soil to about one inch deep to see if its dry. If it is, give it a drink of water! Just be sure to avoid wetting the leaves.
P.S. Over time, you can pull off any unhappy plant leaves so your succulent can spend all its energy keeping the good leaves lookin’ good!
Step 3: Find The Bright Spot!
Echeveria thrives in medium to high light, so find this plant a spot in the brightest room of your house. Sunlight is echeveria’s best friend, so a little extra (plus cooler evening temperatures!) will help this plant live its best life.